Concise Minutes - Remuneration Board

Meeting Venue: Virtual via Teams

Remote - Digital

Meeting date: Thursday, 18 May 2023

Meeting time:   09:00-12:30






Board members:

Dr Elizabeth Haywood (Chair);

David Hanson;

Michael Redhouse;

Jane Roberts;

Hugh Widdis.


Martha Da Gama Howells, Acting Clerk;

Daniel Hurford, Clerk;
Ruth Hatton, Deputy Clerk;

Angharad Coupar, Deputy Clerk;

Anna Daniel, Senior Adviser to the Board;

Kate Rabaiotti, Legal Adviser to the Board;

Craig Griffiths, Head of Members’ Business Support;

Martin Jennings, Research Team Leader, Financial Scrutiny Unit;
Matthew Richards, Head of Legal Services.


Alex Dalton, Procurement (Item 4);

Donna Davies, Head of Pensions (Item 6).


Huw Bowen, Members’ Business Support;

Ellie Mulligan, Members’ Business Support (Item 4)



1         Chair's introduction (9.00 - 9.10)

-      The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. No apologies had been received.

-      The Chair briefly reflected on the positive Representative Group meetings and Members’ drop-in sessions held on 17 May. She reported that Representative Groups appreciated the new approach and the additional information provided beforehand.

-      The Chair reflected on the meeting between the remuneration bodies of the four UK legislatures on 26 April. The Board agreed it was a good first discussion and that further, more strategic discussions would be needed. The Chair noted that it was important for Clerking teams to also share information with their counterparts.

-      The Chair congratulated Craig Griffiths on his new temporary role as Head of Members’ Business Support.

-      The minutes of the 16 March meeting were agreed.


-      Publish minutes of the 16 March meeting.



2         Update on Senedd Reform  (9.10 - 9.40)

-      The Board considered the update and discussed areas it wished to explore further as part of its strategic work programme.

-      The Chair agreed to write to the Llywydd to continue Reform dialogue and share a list of issues raised by Members where there may be intersection with Commission provided services.


-      Secretariat to draft a letter from the Board to the Llywydd.



3         Strategic work programme  (09.40 - 10.10)

- The Board noted the update and agreed to share more information regarding its work programme on the Remuneration Board website.

- The Board noted the update on the Senior Researcher recruitment, and this appointment would help drive this work programme forward to align with the proposed timetable.

-      The Board were content with the draft principles and Board members’ approach to leading thematic review activity.

-      The Board reflected on the approach, priorities and timescales for the Strategic Work Programme, noting that the timing and type of consultation would be important.




-      Secretariat to amend the Strategic Work Programme and publish on website following Board approval.

-      Proposed consultation plans for this programme of work to be included in the July Communication and Engagement Board paper.



4         Staffing Review - Pay and Grading (10.10-11.10)

-      The Board agreed the review timetable where initial evidence will be shared with the Board in November 2023, in order to inform the annual review of the Determination for 2024, followed by a final report produced in March 2024.

-      The Board considered the Board’s involvement in the assessment and contract award process and agreed this role is delegated to Board lead, Mike Redhouse or the Chair. A decision on this to be made out of meeting.

-      The Board agreed the specification for the contract and the assessment criteria, with a respective weighting of 40% Cost and 60% Quality and the Quality sub-criteria and weighting.

-      The Board reflected on the discussions held at the Members and Support Staff Representative Group meetings on 17 May. It considered how it wishes to engage and involve Members and Members’ Support Staff and Group Staff during the review process and agreed, as discussed at representative groups, to hold informal briefings over the summer with more in-depth engagement in September.


-      Secretariat to seek confirmation on Board member to be involved in the assessment and contract award process.

-      Secretariat to engage with and inform trade union representatives throughout review.




5         Simplification (11.20 - 11.40)

- The Board noted the update, particularly the interdependencies with other thematic reviews and risks arising. The Board noted the Members’ Business Support pay and claims

- system was a matter for the Senedd Commission, and that MBS would keep the Board updated on any proposed changes to the system.

- Hugh Widdis, the Board lead on this review, reflected on his positive discussions with IPSA Chief Executive, Ian Todd.

- The Board considered and agreed the suggested timetable for consultation on the Simplification review subject to some minor amendments.


-      Secretariat to amend timetable to ensure that no consultation takes place in August, following Representative Group feedback.

-      The Review Terms of Reference to be amended to show clearly the scope of work agreed.



6         Recruitment of Pension Board Chair (11.40 - 12.00)

-      The Board considered the recommended approach for recruiting the Chair of the Pension Board and agreed to proceed with a recruitment exercise.

-      The Board agreed that applicants should be asked to include details of their proposed fee, and if they wished their own terms and conditions of appointment, for carrying out the role and that this would be considered in the context of the value for money the individual would bring to the role in terms of their knowledge, skills and experience.  The Board agreed that the terms and conditions of appointment proposed by a successful applicant would be reviewed by the Board’s lawyers to ensure they were acceptable.

-      The Board agreed to nominate either the Chair or Mike Redhouse as a member of the Remuneration Board to sit on the recruitment panel. The Board agreed that the third panel member, alongside the Head of Pensions, should be a Senior HR member, as was the case for the previous recruitment for the Chair.


-      Secretariat to seek confirmation on the Board member to sit on the recruitment panel.

-      Head of Pensions to contact Acting Chief People Officer to identify suitable Senior HR officer to join the recruitment panel and advise the secretariat.

-      Update on recruitment to Board in July.



7         Annual Report 2022-23 Discussion (12.00-12.30)

-      The Board agreed the draft content of the report and suggested additional items to include. The Board agreed to formally approve the report out of meeting in order to publish in July.

-      The Board agreed the new layout of the report, that it will be organised under each of the strategic objectives agreed for the Sixth Senedd, reflecting its commitment in the Mid-term Effectiveness Review to report against its strategic work programme.

-      The Board agreed its communications and engagement activity to promote the publication of the report, agreeing to hold an event aimed at Members and Support Staff to provide an opportunity for engagement on the Board’s annual report, on its strategic work programme and a look ahead. 



-      Secretariat to circulate revised draft to the Board for agreement before end of June to prepare for publication ahead of the July engagement event.

-      Secretariat to meet with Chiefs of Staff to flag proposed virtual publication event.



8         Effectiveness Review Response Action Plan (12.50-13.20)

-      The Board noted and agreed the action plan with a commitment to review and publish an update annually. Secretariat to update the Board on progress at Board meetings.

-      The Board suggested amendments to the Board ‘charter’ and agreed to formally approve it at the July meeting alongside a paper outlining the Board’s approach to risk management.

-      The Board agreed that the Board ‘charter’ should be formally reviewed and published at the beginning of each new Board’s term.

-      The Board agreed the action plan timetable.


-      Secretariat to amend Board ‘charter’ following feedback and provide a note on the approach to risk for the July Board meeting.

-      Secretariat to include an update on progress in each annual report of the Board.



9         Update paper (13.20-13.30)

- The Board noted the update paper and forward work programme.

- The Board agreed it needed more information on Committee remit before deciding on the salary for the new Chair of the Wales Covid-19 Inquiry Special Purpose Committee.

- The Board agreed to meet in Cardiff in July and October 2023 and committed to visit Members’ offices in the regions over the next year.


-      Secretariat to seek further information on the Committee.

-      Secretariat to incorporate plans for regional visits into the Communications and Engagement paper for July.


10     AOB

-      The Chair asked for an update on the Dignity and Respect policy review, noting that the Commission will consider an update at its next meeting on 19 June.

-      The Board noted that a recent Exceptional Expenses claim had come to an end on 8 May.


-      Secretariat to share Dignity and Respect documentation with Chair as an aide memoire.

-      Research to prepare economic forecast update for the July Board meeting.








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